VOL. 45 | NO. 24 | Friday, June 11, 2021 WASHINGTON (AP) — A bipartisan Senate report released last week details security failures surrounding the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol and recommends how to fix them. But it has only added to the unanswered questions about the attack, when hundreds of former President Donald… Continue reading After Senate review, questions persist about Jan. 6 attack
US intel report warns of more violence by QAnon followers
VOL. 45 | NO. 24 | Friday, June 11, 2021 WASHINGTON (AP) — A new federal intelligence report warns that adherents of QAnon, the conspiracy theory embraced by some in the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol, could target Democrats and other political opponents for more violence as the movement’s false prophecies don’t come true.… Continue reading US intel report warns of more violence by QAnon followers
Justices defer Harvard case on race in college admissions
VOL. 45 | NO. 24 | Friday, June 11, 2021 WASHINGTON (AP) — With abortion and guns already on the agenda, the conservative-dominated Supreme Court is considering adding a third blockbuster issue — whether to ban consideration of race in college admissions. The justices on Monday put off a decision about whether they will hear… Continue reading Justices defer Harvard case on race in college admissions
Jury finds Dickson County’s Joseph Daniels guilty of murdering 5-year-old son
CLOSE Autoplay Show Thumbnails Show Captions Last SlideNext Slide A Dickson County jury found Joseph Daniels guilty of murder in the disappearance of his 5-year-old son Joe Clyde. Daniels was found guilty of first-degree murder in perpetration of a felony crime, a conviction that carries an automatic life sentence in Tennessee. In this case, the connected felony was aggravated… Continue reading Jury finds Dickson County’s Joseph Daniels guilty of murdering 5-year-old son
Bass names Blackshear to executive committee
VOL. 45 | NO. 24 | Friday, June 11, 2021 Bass, Berry & Sims has appointed Lillian M. Blackshear from the firm’s Nashville office to its executive committee. The seven-member committee includes attorneys from the firm’s Memphis, Nashville and Washington, D.C., offices. Members oversee strategic priorities of the firm, including client service, diversity and inclusion,… Continue reading Bass names Blackshear to executive committee
Bradley names Jacques Nashville managing partner
VOL. 45 | NO. 21 | Friday, May 21, 2021 Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP has named Lauren B. Jacques managing partner of the firm’s Nashville office. She succeeds Lela M. Hollabaugh, who has served as the Nashville office managing partner since 2015. Hollabaugh will continue as a litigation partner in the Nashville office. Jacques… Continue reading Bradley names Jacques Nashville managing partner
Nashville DA can refuse to enforce transgender bathroom sign law, lawyers say
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Judge Lyle won’t seek reelection
Home > Article VOL. 45 | NO. 24 | Friday, June 11, 2021 NASHVILLE (AP) — A longtime Tennessee judge who drew backlash from Republican officials for ordering an expansion of absentee voting during the COVID-19 pandemic won’t seek reelection next year, saying it’s a decision she made before GOP lawmakers unsuccessfully tried to remove… Continue reading Judge Lyle won’t seek reelection
What to know about Nashville’s property tax referendum court hearings
CLOSE The Davidson Election Commission decided May 10 to place an anti-tax referendum on the ballot for a July 27 special election. The Republican-controlled commission voted 3-2 along party lines. Metro Nashville filed a lawsuit the next day. The special election in July would ask voters to roll back the city’s recent property tax increase and give voters more… Continue reading What to know about Nashville’s property tax referendum court hearings
Culture of Corruption: ex-UAW leader gets 28-month sentence
VOL. 45 | NO. 24 | Friday, June 11, 2021 DETROIT (AP) — He plotted to steal up to $1.5 million in union dues, and the money he diverted was spent on golf clubs, vacation homes, booze and lavish meals, fostering a culture of corruption within the United Auto Workers union. Now former UAW president… Continue reading Culture of Corruption: ex-UAW leader gets 28-month sentence