Company to Las Vegas chapels: No more Elvis-themed weddings

Home > Article VOL. 46 | NO. 21 | Friday, May 27, 2022 LAS VEGAS (AP) — Las Vegas chapels of love that use Elvis Presley’s likeness could find themselves becoming Heartbreak Hotels. The licensing company that controls the name and image of “The King” is ordering Sin City chapel operators to stop using Elvis… Continue reading Company to Las Vegas chapels: No more Elvis-themed weddings

SBC report is the start of momentum, but ‘culture has to change,’ says survivor Jules Woodson

Jules Woodson immediately opened a long-secret list of ministers accused of abuse released by the Southern Baptist Convention leaders and scrolled down to the last names starting with “S.” Andy Savage’s name was on the list. “I felt acknowledged that they knew,” Woodson said. “But at the same time heartbreaking to see how many people they knew… Continue reading SBC report is the start of momentum, but ‘culture has to change,’ says survivor Jules Woodson

TBI Special Agents Investigate Two Shooting Incidents in Metropolitan Nashville

[] = 728 ? 521549 : 521550;var EmpowerSize = EmpowerDiv >= 728 ? [728] : [300,250];var AdButler = AdButler || {}; = || [];var abkw = window.abkw || ”;var emppmt = window.emppmt || 0;document.write(”);{handler: function(opt){ AdButler.register(181918, EmpowerPlace, EmpowerSize, ‘placement_’+EmpowerPlace+’_’, opt); }, opt: { place: emppmt++, keywords: abkw, domain: ‘’, click:’CLICK_MACRO_PLACEHOLDER’ }});]]> NASHVILLE –… Continue reading TBI Special Agents Investigate Two Shooting Incidents in Metropolitan Nashville

‘She was very adventurous’: Cremated remains of Nashville woman launched into space

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Lawsuit over Tennessee ban on online ministers performing marriages can continue, court rules

A federal lawsuit challenging Tennessee’s ban on online-ordained ministers performing marriages can go ahead, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled this week.  The suit, which argues in part that a 2019 law violates religious protections of the First Amendment, has been mired in questions over a procedural tangle on sovereign immunity that could have killed… Continue reading Lawsuit over Tennessee ban on online ministers performing marriages can continue, court rules

Tennessee hasn’t followed its own lethal injection rules. What you need to know

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Ford pays $19M to settle claims on fuel economy, payload

Home > Article VOL. 46 | NO. 20 | Friday, May 20, 2022 SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Ford Motor Company on Tuesday settled claims by 40 U.S. state attorneys general that the company made misleading claims about the fuel economy and payload capacity of some of its vehicles, violating state consumer protection laws. The company… Continue reading Ford pays $19M to settle claims on fuel economy, payload

Top Southern Baptists plan to release secret list of abusers

VOL. 46 | NO. 20 | Friday, May 20, 2022 Top administrative leaders for the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in America, said Tuesday that they will release a secret list of hundreds of pastors and other church-affiliated personnel accused of sexual abuse. An attorney for the SBC’s Executive Committee announced the decision… Continue reading Top Southern Baptists plan to release secret list of abusers

Southern Baptist Convention leaders decide to release long-secret list of accused ministers

Southern Baptist Convention leaders intend to publish a list of ministers accused of sexual misconduct that former staff secretly maintained, and rebuked one of their own Tuesday for antagonism toward abuse survivors.  The statement and decision about the list were immediate actions from the SBC Executive Committee following the release of a historic report on Sunday about how SBC… Continue reading Southern Baptist Convention leaders decide to release long-secret list of accused ministers